100% Whole Wheat Rolls


3/4 c. + 2 tbsp warm water (100-110°)
2 tsp yeast
2 & 1/2 c. whole wheat flour, divided (plus more for kneading)
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp honey
2 tsp molasses


Mix the yeast and warm water together in a small bowl, and let it sit for 5-10 minutes.

In a large bowl, whisk together 1½ cups of flour and salt. Make a well in the center, and pour in the yeast mixture and remaining ingredients. Stir with a wooden spoon, adding more flour as necessary, until a dough forms and is only slightly tacky.

Turn the dough out onto a well-floured dry surface, and flour your hands. Knead in more of the remaining flour until the dough is no longer sticky. It should bounce back when you press your finger into it.

Shape the dough into a ball. Coat a bowl with nonstick cooking spray, and place the dough inside, rolling it around to coat all of the sides with the oil. Cover the top with a clean towel, and set in a warm place to rise for 30-45 minutes until doubled in size.

Lightly coat a 9” round baking pan with nonstick cooking spray. On a clean, floured surface, punch the dough down until it’s approximately the same size as before it rose. Divide the dough into 12 equal balls, and place in the prepared pan. Cover the top with the towel, and let the rolls rise in a warm place for 30 min or until doubled in size.

While the rolls rise, preheat the oven to 350°. Uncover the rolls, and bake at 350° for 25-30 min or until the tops are golden and the rolls sound hollow when tapped. Cool in the pan for 5 min before turning out onto a wire rack. Serve warm or cold.