Italian Bread Dipping (Oil) Sauce


½ cup extra virgin olive oil (good quality) divided
1 pinch dried or fresh Basil, or to taste (for each bowl)
1 pinch dried or fresh Oregano, or to taste (for each bowl)
3 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed or minced 1 piece per bowl (optional)
3-6 tbsp balsamic vinegar, divided
grated Parmesan cheese, to sprinkle on top


Divide the olive oil into 3 parts in individual, small, and shallow dipping bowls.

Add about 1-2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar into each bowl. Adjust the amount of balsamic vinegar to your taste. 2 tablespoons of vinegar is right up my alley but feel free to adjust the amount to your taste preference. Begin with a tablespoon and add more if desired.

Add the crushed or minced garlic (1 garlic per bowl), if using. If you’re not a fan of garlic, feel free to leave it out. I love garlic so I added it but it’s not required. Place a pinch or 2 of the herbs of your choice. For extra flavor, use freshly chopped herbs. Stir.

Generously sprinkle with grated or shredded Parmesan cheese on top. Mop up all that yummy sauce with freshly warmed crusty bread!

Mop up all that yummy sauce with freshly warmed crusty bread!