Grilled Sesame Ahi Tuna


6 oz 1″ to 1-½” thick ahi tuna steak
½ cup sesame seeds white & black mixed
¼ cup soy sauce
1 Tablespoon sake
1 Tablespoon honey
2 Tablespoons sesame oil
1 Tablespoon rice wine vinegar


Mix all ingredients for marinade in small bowl.

Place tuna steak in small resealable zippered bag and add marinade. Turn to coat. Let stand for 10-20 minutes, turning several times.

Place black and white sesame seeds on a plate. Remove tuna steak from marinade and dip into sesame seed mixture, patting into steak until all sides are coated.

Preheat grill on high. Place tuna steaks directly on grill and quickly sear, about 1-½ to 2 minutes per side.

Medium rare has an internal temperature of 125 degrees.