Seared Ahi Tuna with Jasmine Rice and Soy Vinaigrette


1 cup jasmine Rice
1 & 1/4 cup water
2 oz fresh ginger
2 tbsp Sesame seeds
1 tbsp Sesame oil
Salt & Pepper (to taste) 1tbsp olive oil
2 pieces of fresh Ahi tuna (8oz)
2 tsp salt & Pepper mix ¼ cup rice wine vinegar
2 oz fresh ginger
2 oz shallots
3 tbsp soy sauce
1 cup olive oil
1 tbsp salt & pepper mix


Place the rice into a fine sieve and rinse with water to remove excess starch. Rinse until water runs clear.

Drain the water and place the rice into a saucepan. Add the water. Heat the rice over high heat until the water starts boiling. Then reduce the heat to medium and cook until you can see the rice grain starting to rise above the water. Then cover with a lid that is slightly ajar to let some of the steam escape. Cook for 5 minutes.

After 5 minutes it should look like all of the water has been absorbed by the rice. Turn the heat off and cover completely with the lid. Allow the pot to sit on the warm hotplate for 10 minutes to allow the steam to continue cooking the rice. Fluff with fork. Add finely chopped ginger, sesame seeds, sesame oil, and salt & pepper to taste.

Add olive oil to sauté pan and allow to get very hot (not smoking). Sprinkle tuna evenly with salt & pepper. Carefully place tuna in oil and cook approx. 2 minutes per side, or to desired temperature.

Soy Vinaigrette:
Finely chop ginger and shallots. Add all ingredients to blender. Blend on high speed for 1 minute or until thoroughly blended to consistent color.